MPT adverbs
1. M- adverbs are Manner adverbs; e.g. 'well'.
2. P- adverbs are Place adverbs; e.g. 'here', 'in Chicago'.
3. T- adverbs are Time adverbs; e.g. 'yesterday'.
4. English is a syntactic language; means: word order dependent language.
5. Change of word order may change meaning.
6. The order of adverbs in a sentence influences the meaning.
7. Experience has taught that the following order of adverbs does good work.
MPT order i.e manner-place-time order.
8. E.g.: Milton wrote profusely and meticulously, in England, from 1630 to 1640.
Milton- subject.
profusely- manner adverb1.
meticulously- manner adverb2.
in England- place adverb.
from 1630 - time adverb1.
to 1640 - time adverb2.
1 comment:
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